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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Humpdayin' Around

Another humpday link-up, and I'm not prepared.  Again.  I'm sensing a pattern.  I confess:  I'm rushing through this one.  Again.  #whatevs

My laptop has driven me bonkers today because it couldn't find a network.  I have no idea what that means.  It is supposed to magically connect to the internet whenever I want without any problems.  #firstworldproblems

How's a girl to read the Show Us Your Books links when the internet isn't working?  I confess: I almost threw it on the ground to smash it into a bajillion pieces.  #angrymuch

Yes.  I can read blogs from my phone, but I can't comment easily and jump over to goodreads and add books.  I confess: I have a routine.  #andilikeit

Karen has blog awards, and I submitted nominees when she first asked.  I even thought to myself "Well, silly, you should've nominated yourself for something." Today, I see that Karen's first round of voting is open and what?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I'm nominated for something?  Me?  I confess:  I'm shocked. 

I think that means someone likes me.  Or likes what I do here.  I confess: Even if it is just one person who bothered to nominate me for Best Kept Secret, I'm still really honored. 

And, I saw so many blogger buddies names on the list of nominees. I confess: It made me all kinds of happy. #letsallwin

Go vote for Karen's Blog Awards 2015.  She says she didn't have as many people submit nominees #probablyhowigotnominated ... So, go check out the nominees, support your favorites, find new blogs, and spread the word.  #spreadbloggerlove #bloggerloveisawesome

If you got that somewhat obscure, loosely modified (into a word that doesn't exist) Bobby Brown reference in the title, you are awesome. #yesmygifisfromeverylittlestep

Wednesday link-ups with Laura & LaurenAlanna & Sarah, and  Nadine & Kathy:


  1. Thanks for sharing about Karen's blog!

    I hate when my reading routine is disrupted. It makes me Hulk Smash.

  2. lol bobby brown. so funny. so classic. most young kids won't get it though. #sadface - and yay for blog love and blog awards! makes me all smiley to see the love :)

    xoxo cheshire kat

  3. Not only did I get the song reference in the title I'm now singing the song in my head. I'm not sure if I should thank you for that though, we'll see how long it stays. :)

  4. Bobby Brown. The fact that he's the last one of that family still standing is amazing.

    Thanks for sharing Karen's blog! Pretty fun to see my name on that list.

  5. I am not a fan of a disrupted routine. Not even a little! Blog awards you say? How fun!!!

  6. I'll have to go look at the nominees.
    Congrats on being AWESOME & being recognized for it :)

  7. I didn't hear about these blog awards but I'm definitely going to go over and vote! I'm with you, it's hard to read blogs on my phone, I can't stay focused long enough to make any progress or even comment.

  8. I get Mel Gibson angry when my internet doesn't work! Blog awards? Say what?

  9. congrats on being nominatd! i just saw that i'm in the list too and why didn't anyone tell me? i had no idea this was going on.

  10. Blog awards... maybe I should post more often lol! How cool is that though, great way to check out new blogs! Girl I am never prepared!! I get in-sane when the internet doesn't work at my house, you can only do so much with your phone. #spoiled

  11. I have been laughing over the image of that girl squashing the soda can in her hand all day long (I read your blog earlier this morning, but didn't get a chance to comment until now.) I can imagine the accompanying sound effect, "grrrrr..." LOL! Glad you didn't smash your laptop in to a bajillion pieces!

  12. Ugh I hate when I know there is internet and something (usually my phone) won't connect. It's probably why I now have trust issues. Stop lying to me phone! Congrats on being nominated. I totally just went and voted and then went and stalked some new to me blogs.

  13. You have to have a computer for reading all of the blogs for the Show Us Your Books linkup! How else are you supposed to add books to your Goodreads account easily? I have a completely separate list on Goodreads to help me keep track of recommendations from the linkup!

  14. Congrats on being nom'd!! I love lists with blogs all in one place and I can't stand reading on my phone for the same reason. The system works!!

  15. **Raises hand** That was me! I mean, me and probably a bunch of others, but I nominated you for that category!! And I'm with you with the internet woes- that was part of the reason I decided I really needed a new laptop!

  16. Congrats on being nominated girl! Also confession I don't even read my own blog and respond to comments on my phone. Hence why they all pile up until I can get home and turn my archiac laptop on. First world problems, I know.

  17. Congratulations on your nomination, and on making it to the finals! And thanks for spreading the word! Good luck!

  18. I only recognized a few blogs on Karen's award list.. I felt like a bad blogger, but then was like, I'm just now catching up on blog reading from 2 weeks ago, you really think you can handle more commitments Big Girl? Kthx, walk away Megan. I often have these types of conversations with myself, so I figured you'd appreciate me sharing one with you, lol.

    If I'm not in the perfect setting, I can't read the book or confessions link ups. I have to be on a computer where I can open ALL THE TABS! I have the Goodreads links open in new tabs so I can assess whether or not I want to add them to my list or not. It definitely helps when I have a mabilltionty people who have already rated the book (well) or want to read it. <3 Goodreads.


I love comments, and I enjoy our interactions. I respond via email, but if you're a "no reply blogger", I can't. Don't think I'm ignoring you!