50 Movies

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Sunday's Seven Snapshots vol.95

True love is the husband surprising me with a slice of red velvet cake.

Selecting books for #SCWBC16

I love the battles between Ricky and my guy when there is steak on the plate.

Remember that I planted flowers earlier this month?  I'm pleased to say this is some of them blooming beautifully.

Halloween nails

Playing ball with the girls turned into a game of keep-away ~ Sally keeping the ball away from Dolly.

Sunday afternoon movie watching

Happy weekending to you and yours!


  1. One of my cats is brutal for trying to swipe food off of people's plates. She's also been known to make off with ziploc bags of frozen chicken breast if it's been left out to thaw! Your flowers look beautiful!

  2. Red velvet cake is so damn delicious.

    My cat does not eat people food, thank god. It's hard enough keeping the dogs away.

  3. YAY for red velvet cake! The standoff between your husband and the cat is funny! I so enjoy your cat pictures and tales.

  4. mmm cake!

    but more importantly!!! SUNDAY AFTERNOON MOVIE WATCHING!!!! so happy to see that. :]

  5. Not gonna lie- I love it when I start to play with the dogs and they end up entertaining themselves. Haha!
    Those flowers are gorgeous! GREAT JOB!! (I just have one thing of mums on the front porch that I'm trying hard to keep alive... ha!)

  6. halloween nails!!! so cute!
    let me know what you think of Verity....

  7. Your husband is a good, good man and knows exactly what's good for you (and him).

    Your flowers are beautiful girl. :) Love the kitty eye balling your steak dinner and of course the girls out playing ball.


  8. Selecting books for book challenges really is so much fun! I feel like it's becoming an addiction to me! And true love really is bringing home any kind of dessert! That red velvet cake looks amazing!

  9. That cake looks amaaazing! I am obsessed with your nails!!! SO cute!

  10. Ahhh give me that red velvet cake!!! Or at least the icing :) Your nails look so cute and those flowers are gorgeous!!!!!!

  11. Red Velvet cake. Nom. It's my absolute favorite. My favorite cupcake place made the most amazing red velvet cupcakes but they sadly went out of business. :( Oh Ricky. I love that picture so much! Max does not eat human food. On occasion, he might come up and sniff something on my plate but that's it. It's a good thing because I'm weak and would feed him off my plate! I love the Halloween nails, so cute! Your flowers look beautiful. Mine are all dead. But I'm going to keep trying because seeing flowers in the winter just makes me smile, even if my are half (or more) dead!

  12. i don't like red velvet but that cake looks AMAZING. i love that Ricky likes steak and wants what is on your guy's plate. and that last photo is fabulous <3 cats for life :)

  13. ok that's how i want to spend my sunday afternoon! kitties galore. and seriously red velvet cake is my weakness ;)


  14. I agree with your definition of true love. It includes sugar.


  15. Ahh Code Name Verity! YAAASS.. Is it Nov yet? ;)
    Timo doesn't understand the giving of food/sweet as a gift/key to my soul. Actually, he doesn't really do gifts at all because he thinks a gift constitutes as something large like Christmas. I wish he understood that cake = a perfectly acceptable gift. lol

  16. Oh kitten snuggles, the best. I think I will do the SCWBC ... but I am not sure I will have time. It seems like it's tough to finish most challenges these days. Yum to dessert. Sometimes KC will pick me up a treat and that's always super sweet. Glad your flowers are growing! And I loved your jackolantern mani! So fun! Xo - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things


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