Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Books #11 #12 #13 #14

I've read some more books.  I forgot to post them.  Here they are............

Book # 11 - Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L.James - ridiculous nonsense.  I did not find myself caring at all what happened to these characters.  I had such a lack of interest, I stopped reading when I only had about 50 pages more.  I just couldn't commit myself or my time anymore to this book.  The only positive I have is this - apparently, it got a lot of people reading, and I support anything that gets people to pick up a book (or an ereader). 

Book # 12 - after the disappointment of the previous book, I decided to grab one from my "to read" pile that I was pretty sure what I was in store for.  At this point, John Grisham isn't offering anything innovative,  but his stories are still decent reads for me.  The Racketeer was just alright for me.  It was quick, easy, with a decent number of twists and turns. 

Book # 13 - Wow.  This book took me on an disturbing and emotional journey.  I'd read The Kite Runner, so I know what kind of storytelling Khaled Hosseini is capable of.  Each character in A Thousand Splendid Suns pulled at an emotion, mostly not-so-positive emotions such as sadness, loss, despair, and disgust.  But some characters have such dignity, courage, and small glimmers of hope.  For historical fiction fans or fans of strong female characters, this is a good one.

Book # 13 - This book has been in my "to read" pile for a while.  I knew I'd probably need to be emotionally ready to read it.  A good friend reminded me of it, so I thought I'd tackle it, since I made it through the emotional journey of the previous book.  I haven't seen the movie, and I'm interested.  The book is different.  The main character is different.  I like different sometimes, and this is one of those times.  My heart just aches for Oskar in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer.  I've never experienced a loss like Oskar's, but I have experienced emotional and mental turmoil.  I could feel his turmoil.  I thought how the stories of Oskar, past and present, and his grandparents' stories, past and present intertwined was really, really compelling.  I can see how this book wouldn't be one that just any reader would enjoy, but I thought it was brilliant. 

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