Saturday, August 29, 2015

Sunday's Seven Snapshots vol.36

They were competing for the best spot on my chest. I told them there was room for both of them. 

Let the food diary begin. Been doing it since Tuesday, not even a week, but it does help me think and focus on my choices. 

My viber has been bombarded this week with free iPhones. I feel like such a winner. 

Playing with bling again. My guy sure can man a pretty ring. 

Midweek selfie in an underground train station. 

Care package from my mom!  The world needs more care packages!!

The stepson is sick, so we spent Sunday in our pj's watching cartoons and eating toast and peanut butter. 

Happy weekend!


  1. Aww, your cats are so cuddly and cute! That's so cool you got a care package from your mom! So lovely!

  2. Boobs!

    I just love how your kitties smother their momma! <3 and your mom rocks! That's so sweet of her to send such a thoughtful care package. :)

  3. i love the cats on top of you. jack was pulling that at 4am today and normally i'm ok with it but not when it interrupts my sleep! ha. care packages from mom are ALWAYS a great thing. i still get them myself from time to time! :)

    xoxo cheshire kat

  4. The world does need more care packages, and weekends we need more of those too!

  5. Aww kitty blankets are the best. Hope he feels better soon! Care packages are the best, brightens everyday!

  6. The kitties are adorable. The rings are so gorgeous and now I am SO JEALOUS you go the Urban Decay Smokey Palette!

  7. Love the JJ Watt shirt! I've loved watching the Texans on Hardknocks this season!

  8. Love that picture of the cats on you! So funny. I love care packages! Happy mail is the best.

  9. Yay for care packages! Boo for being sick!


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