Reading..... books for Book Challenge by Erin 5.0 and Semi-Charmed Summer Book Challenge 2016 - I have five books to read this month to complete the #SCSBC16 - 3 of which have been on hold at the library, and I've been patiently waiting. I am next in line for each of those; all of which I really do want to read.
Watching...... nothing. I've admitted in this space that I'm not much of a tv watcher. Oh, it's on a lot in our house, but I don't faithfully watch anything these days. I know. Lame.
Listening..... Matchbox 20's She's So Mean ... no shame, I love me some Matchbox 20. Their songs are just so dang catchy...and kerri mentioned seeing Rob Thomas not too long ago, so I've been on a Matchbox kick ever since.
Noticing..... that I feel somewhat like a boring loser because answering these prompts are difficult. I don't seem to have a whole lot of interesting things going on in my life to share.
Admitting..... that I had a big cry last week. As I was scrolling my facebook feed, three friends in a row posted something about missing their father who had passed away (one recently, one was the 2 year anniversary of his death, and one was the 10 year mark). I immediately sent my dad an email (I knew it was the middle of the night his time) to tell him that I love and appreciate him and am eternally grateful that he's my dad. Life is short and precious.
Sharing..... Y'all saw this, right? Well, if you didn't, read it. I have a lot of respect for his statement, generosity, and ability to show that you can believe in the power of "AND" for both of these causes and organizations is important: Michael Jordan donating $2 million to help address police-related shootings
Eating..... these Starburst "FaveReds". Are they good for me? Absolutely not. Are they tasty? You betcha.
Eating..... these Starburst "FaveReds". Are they good for me? Absolutely not. Are they tasty? You betcha.
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Drinking..... sparkling water
Wearing..... layers; It's winter in Australia, but honestly, Sydney doesn't get too terribly cold, so I layer...and there's been lots of leggings and boots. That's pretty much my uniform.
Waiting..... to hear if I'm going to be selected for a "mindfulness" group at the Australian College of Applied Psychology. I've discussed here some things that I've done for myself to continue the battle with depression. I've never participated in a therapy group, but the benefits of mindfulness is something that intrigues me.
Feeling..... nostalgic. MTV went to air 35 years ago this week. I am 100% a product of the MTV generation. I watched the launch with Video Killed the Radio Star. I watched the world premiere and "making of" Michael Jackson's Thriller. I'd come home after school everyday to watch Dial MTV...when people would actually use telephones and landlines to call and request their favorite music videos. I remember when Def Leppard's Pour Some Sugar on Me bested Motley Crue's Home Sweet Home for the longest #1 spot on the countdown. I fell in love with my longest love (Jon Bon Jovi) through the video music screen. I watched the very first Real World filmed in New York "where 7 strangers are picked to live in a house ... to find out what happens when people stop being polite and start getting real." Or something like that.
I remember watching Real World: Back to New York for the 10 year anniversary. I LOVED it. And TRL. I watched that every day, all summer long.
ReplyDeleteI think big cries are cathartic and necessary.
I still have at least 5 books for the SCSBC16 (including the one I'm currently reading), and all of the books for your challenge. Whomp whomp. I just haven't been getting through as many lately. I had an unfortunate change of plans (my mom had to postpone her trip here until October), so maybe I'll read a little more since I have all this free time I wasn't expecting.
ReplyDeleteI don't really watch much TV either, but I've been getting into stupid shows like Big Brother and Coupled this summer (though Coupled is now over). Also MasterChef, though that's not stupid.
I feel like a boring loser at least 90% of the time I sit down to write blog posts. Haha. I'm like, "Does anyone even care about this shit?" The thing I've realized is that I like reading random crap about other bloggers, so they probably like it too. I also have random conversations with Eric and my friends and family, so I feel like writing about that same random shit on my blog probably isn't much different.
I love leggings and boots. I'm jealous that you can bust those out right now.
I'm intrigued by the group therapy thing. It's not something I've ever tried, but I've always wondered if it would be something I'd find helpful. If it's something you really want to do, I hope you're selected and I hope it's beneficial!
I always get nostalgic around my birthday, so I'm right there with you on that. And music is such a powerful way to bring you back to specific moments in your life. I miss when MTV played great videos!
I love your boots!!
ReplyDeleteI feel boring every time I write a blog post about my life. Only my travel ones a slightly less boring... because the world is so much more interesting than little old me!
Very glad to hear you're moving along and just waiting to see if you're accepted into the group. ;-)
I miss MB20. Rob Thomas is ok, but he's no MB20. Real World takes me back to a summer spent at the pool, my neighbor practically living with us, staying up until AM hours playing rummy with said neighbor, and tricking my sister into manual labor. "I'd shout out an order, I think we're out of this man, get me some."
ReplyDeletei think you nailed that real world line! man i still love that show even if it's beyond redic now. rob thomas was good the other week but like your friend said above - not matchbox 20 - which i prob like just a hair more :) i hope you get accepted into the group. i'm always thinking about you and your battle and sending the good vibes. soul sisters there!
ReplyDeletexoxo cheshire kat
Yeah, I agree with Kerri above, I think you pretty much nailed the Real World opener line! I didn't get my MTV until 1986, so I missed the early years when the channel was in its infancy. Notable memories I have of my MTV experience include: seeing the world premiere of Genesis' Land of Confusion video; watching the gameshow Remote Control; watching the world premiere of Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit and thinking to myself, "Uh, oh... Something evil this way comes." (I wasn't a fan of grunge.); watching the first season of The Real World right before leaving for college and wondering if living in a dorm might be similar; and, like you, the moment I first laid eyes on Jon Bon Jovi in the video You Give Love a Bad Name and the trajectory of my life was changed.
ReplyDeleteI'm not much of a TV watcher either, although I go through spells. The TV in the great room hasn't been on during the day any this week while I've been home. Once R gets home from work, he turns it on. (He thinks it's a sin to have a TV and for it to be off...)
I think things are sort of boring around this time of year.
ReplyDeleteMy mom had me in front of the TV for the MTV launch.
I hardly ever watch TV, I find it too boring. I never watch films either because they are just too long and never hold my interest. I have a short attention span when it comes to TV and films. A book though, I can read for hours.
ReplyDeleteI think as a blogger, we've all had those feelings of being boring. This year, since we've had such wet times, I've had that feeling all the time. But, I'm sure it's normal and I sometimes think about my (ex) colleagues (I'm recently unemployed) and how little they did and I still found things to do despite the weather. That makes me feel better :) Failing all that, I usually result to humour or sarcasm especially with posts like this :)
Hope you have a great week and a great August!
~ K
I've been reading a ton but I've been way off target for my challenge books. :P I'll try harder in August! I've never done a currently post because, like you, I get halfway through and think, "Eh... what's the point?" That being said, other people's currentlys are always interesting! I wouldn't feel bad about not watching TV. TV and social media are some of the easiest ways to lose a few hours of your time without noticing. I like watching with Ryan when we have dinner but I'm almost proud of the fact that I've only ever got 1 show that I'm "following" at a time. No need to keep up with a bunch every week. Good luck with the mindfulness group!
ReplyDeleteOh man... how I miss MTV - like the REAL MTV. the days where new BIG videos got played every hour ON the hour so you wouldnt miss it. Or the days when George Michael's I want your sex had to have a parental warning before. Oh, the days.
ReplyDeleteMTV... I wasn't allowed to watch it when I was little (the 90s) but I still snuck episodes of The Real World, Daria, Room Raiders, etc. Hahaha. All of that occurred after the actual "music video" era of MTV. lol
ReplyDeleteSo jealous of your winter ;) And I love those boots! I need some that have the two tones that I can wear with black or brown!
i think i might need to re-do my challenge lists as i don't think i have even read any of the books yet. ugh. i'm the worst with challenges lately!
ReplyDeletei am kind of boring with prompts like that as well haha. i do a lot of the same things, and i never watch tv unless it's with kc, and if i do - rarely - watch something on my own, i never finish the season or whatever lol. i do like movies though, but normally ones i've seen before.
i hope you are selected for the mindfulness group, it sounds super interesting!
i never watched mtv :-| i don't think we even had it, until cable was more popular and by then it wasn't the 'real' mtv anymore, or whatever.
I love Matchbox 20!!! They were the first concert that I ever went to. True story. Also, the Real World!!! I remember having watch parties when I was in college. MTV sure has changed a lot over the years.
ReplyDeleteMindfulness group! That sounds so interesting. I hope it's something you're able to share a bit more about (as you're comfortably with, of course) because I think it sounds terribly interesting as a tool/technique.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I need to get myself a pair of boots like that for this fall. So cute!
That group sounds awesome! Oh gosh, it's so hard to read about those things in real-time. For me it's been really hard seeing facebooks getting commented on by people who will miss the person who died. It's just so weird.. the facebook is still there. Always good to be reminded to appreciate our loved ones. I wish it was fall or winter here so so so so much. I do not enjoy the heat...and I'm so over summer. *unpopular opinion alert!* I grew up watching MTV and VH1 videos in the mornings and after school. I love it. XO - Alexandra
ReplyDeleteSimply Alexandra: My Favorite Things
we didn't have MTV when i was little (we had a lame canadian version) so i missed out on all of the MTV craze!!
ReplyDeleteI would totally kill to be able to wear boots right now! The heat has been so bad lately! That's so crazy that MTV has been on for so long! I really wish that they still played more music videos instead of all the crazy TV shows that they play now, although I definitely love some of them. The best thing in the world happened when Starburst came out with the just reds!
ReplyDeleteI hope you get accepted into the therapy group - it sounds really interesting. Mindfulness is something I am constantly working on because too often I am mindless with my thoughts and actions. :) Not great for a regular person, much less someone suffering from depression. MTV - I heard they are going to play music again, which makes me happy. Sure, it's gonna be Justin Bieber but still... :) I do remember when it launched but I lived in rural MN (pre-satellite options) and we didn't have cable. So they only time I could watch MTV was when we visited my Grandma who really wasn't a big MTV fan! LOL!
ReplyDeleteYup, MTV is a little younger than I. It's crazy how much it's changed since I was know, when they actually were about music. It's funny how MTV = Music Television turned into what it is today. Breaks my heart, actually. :(
ReplyDelete35 years for MTV - gah! I remember when we got cable and then MTV - like magic. Our kids . . . they have no idea how lucky they are!
ReplyDeleteMTV was my summer vacation every year. TRL, Real World, Daria, and hours and hours of music.
ReplyDeleteLove your boots!!!
High five from a fellow non-tv watcher! I am just not even that fussed honestly. I love your boots, they look great - and cosy, even if it's not so cool. I didn't watch much MTV when I was growing up because it was only on cable here which hardly anyone had, but I so wished I could. Everything seemed to exciting and edgy! Oh how times have changed :(
ReplyDeleteI lived on MTV... seriously was addicted as a teen. Real world and road rules everything. That made me nostalgic - I had no clue mtv was older than me though!